
Church Planting Process

Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry
Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry   Near the beginning of his classic biography on Martin Luther (Here I Stand), Roland H. Bainton writes something you may not know about Luther. He writes, Returning from Rome, Luther came under new influences due to a...
Four C’s of a Church Planter (Part 5: Competency)
Four C's of a Church Planter (Part 4: Competency) In this final blog, we are diving into the hardwiring and gifting of a planter. As I wrote last week, every person is unique, and every situation is unique. An obvious aspect of life is that there are unique giftings...
Four C’s of a Church Planter (Part 4: Chemistry)
Four C's of a Church Planter (Part 4: Chemistry) As this series continues, a very important aspect in church planting is chemistry. Now, we aren't talking physical science, but rather chemistry in terms of fit between pastor and congregation. This is very important....
How to Plant a church

How to Plant a church

HOW TO PLANT A CHURCH IN SIX (NOT SO) EASY STEPS Our culture today is infatuated with “Life hacks” and “3 Easy Step” methods to achieve desired goals. While I’m all for working smart, I’m not a fan of promising quick and easy fixes to complex challenges. Rather than...

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