Free, Living, Lutheran
Our mission is to help plant free, living, and Lutheran congregations.
It’s really that simple. That statement defines what kind of congregations we are seeking to plant. We are planting congregations that align with the DNA that we have inherited from our Lutheran Free Church and AFLC heritage. We celebrate that. It’s a beautiful and specific heritage. Free. Living. Lutheran. Those are three separate descriptors yet one holistic identity. We are not satisfied to merely plant free congregations that aren’t living or Lutheran. We aren’t satisfied to plant living congregations that aren’t free or Lutheran. We aren’t satisfied to plant Lutheran congregations that aren’t free and living. Free. Living. Lutheran. We are convinced that starting this kind of congregation takes great intentionality and care.

- GOSPEL: We make disciples by proclaiming the powerful gospel message—that Jesus Christ lived in perfect obedience to the Father, was crucified for our sin, was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to make all things new. We celebrate that his grace and forgiveness grant us true freedom to live with peace, joy, and hope.
- CONGREGATION: We believe that the congregation is where God’s Kingdom is manifested and experienced in this world. We cherish that the congregation is free to be led by God’s Word and Spirit. We gladly cooperate in Gospel mission with other like-minded congregations for the salvation of souls.

- MISSION: We celebrate that God is a missionary God. He desires to bring souls to repentance and faith through the gospel. Empowered by His Spirit, He has gifted and chosen to use the body of Christ to actively go, baptize, and teach to make disciples.
- PIETY: We proclaim that God’s Spirit has been given to indwell his people which cultivates a deep spiritual vitality and living fruit. We seek to joyfully walk by his Spirit, serving others with his grace gifts that he has given to each believer.

- WORD & SACRAMENT: We believe the Scriptures are God’s inspired and inerrant Word.This Word is our ultimate authority and the source of our preaching and teaching. The Lord also unites His Word to the tangible gifts of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, by which He creates new spiritual life and nurtures His Church.
- HISTORICAL: We are thankful for the Holy Spirit’s work throughout the centuries in the Church all around the world. We affirm the Ancient Creeds and Lutheran Confessions as faithful expositions of Scripture which have unified believers throughout history. We value the spiritual practices that the Lord has used to form His people, and we believe these truths and practices remain relevant for new generations in an ever changing world.
The Harvest is Plentiful
In our current culture, most people who come into new churches are unchurched, dechurched, or underchurched. This is exciting. What a Gospel opportunity! Because of this, new churches need plant pastors and lay leaders who are incredibly intentional and hard-working, passionately evangelistic, incredibly gracious, armed with robust theological convictions, and a strong philosophy of ministry.
Our great privilege in Home Missions is to come alongside potential planters and plant congregations by offering very specific resourcing that will help enable and nurture the planting of free, living, and Lutheran congregations. Our Planting systems include: Assessment, Training, Coaching, Funding, and Care.
It is our privilege to support and equip church planters for the planting of free, living, and Lutheran congregations.