Planting Process
Committed to Helping you
Church Planting is at the core of God’s redemptive mission in His world. History is full of church planting stories of grace. We praise God that he uses his people in His mission. We recognize also that our cultural context has shifted dramatically over the past few decades. For much of our history in America, new churches naturally attracted specific ethnicities or distinctive theological groups. The local congregation met a very real human and spiritual need. This was a very natural process. We thank the Lord for his work in countless ways in these great years of growth in our country. However, the Church in America is no longer operating in a society where new churches start this way. Planting new congregations in our post-Christian society now requires great training and planning. For this reason, we are committed to working diligently with church planters and congregations to help them discern their call, be trained, and find their place within God’s kingdom work.
Are you ready to take the next step?

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I'm part of a New Gathering
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