The Theology of the Local Congregation: What is the Church? In the previous article, we addressed the question, “why is a theology of the congregation necessary in church planting?” The answer is simple, you have to know what something is before you attempt to...
The Theology of the Local Congregation: A Primer for Church Planters
The Theology of the Local Congregation: A Primer for Church Planters I have been asked to contribute a series of articles focusing on the theology of the local congregation. These articles will be written through the lens of Georg Sverdrup, a 19th century...
Lessons Learned in a Church Plant
Lessons Learned in a Church Plant "Pastor Elden Nelson served as a previous AFLC Home Missions Director for many years. That time was a unique time of growth in the AFLC as Lutheranism was shifting dramatically across the United States. In this time of opportunity,...
Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry
Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry Near the beginning of his classic biography on Martin Luther (Here I Stand), Roland H. Bainton writes something you may not know about Luther. He writes, Returning from Rome, Luther came under new influences due to a...
Why is an Intentional Formation Strategy Important? (Part 2)
Why is an Intentional Formation Strategy Important in a Congregation? (Part 2) “Repetition, repetition, repetition.” We are formed through the liturgy. The expression and importance of the church year is realized through each individual worship service. Each...
Why is an Intentional Formation Strategy Important? (Part 1)
Why is an Intentional Formation Strategy Important in a Congregation? (Part 1) “Repetition, repetition, repetition.” This is an old adage that has been applied by teachers to their students throughout the centuries. The idea is that to truly learn something, one must...
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The Theology of the Local Congregation: A Primer for Church Planters
The Theology of the Local Congregation: A Primer for Church Planters I have been asked to contribute a series of articles focusing on the...
Lessons Learned in a Church Plant
Lessons Learned in a Church Plant "Pastor Elden Nelson served as a previous AFLC Home Missions Director for many years. That time was a unique time...
Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry
Lessons Learned in Rural Church Ministry Near the beginning of his classic biography on Martin Luther (Here I Stand), Roland H. Bainton...